Studio 1 Productions Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy when using our website is important to us.

Customer information and email addresses, whether public or private, will NOT be sold, exchanged, transferred, or released to any other person or company for any reason whatsoever, other than for the express purpose of delivering the purchased product or service requested by the customer.

Studio 1 Productions will not call any customer for any reason, other than a problem with their order or to return a phone call they placed with us. All phone numbers, email, names and addresses are kept secure and private.  Your privacy is very important to us.

We do not collect any data from you when you are browsing our website.  The only time we collect any data is when you place an order and supply us with your information.  See the next section titled, Data for Payment

Please note how your data will be used.

Data for Payment
Depending on the payment method you choose, Studio 1 Productions, Inc. may collect some or all of the following shopper information for credit card or payment processing:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Address (billing and/or shipping)
  • Credit/Debit card details or PayPal payment information
  • IP addres

The information is collected so that payment can be processed and shipping can occur for both physical goods and download products. The payment data will be shared with a payment processor as well as the order total and possibly order details such as the products ordered, so the payment processor can authorize payment.  Payment processors include but are not limited to:

  • PayPal
  • (for Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express)
  • Global Payments (for Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express)

 Studio 1 Productions, Inc. does NOT store credit card data that you enter during the checkout process.

Data for Shipping
In order to ship a physical product(s) a shipping address is needed as well as product weight, box sizes, and order totals. This information will be shared with a shipper. Shippers include but are not limited to:

  • USPS
  • UPS
  • FedEx

Data for Analytics
We no longer use any analytics or tracking software, such as Google Analytics.  This way your privacy will not be affected by their software.

Email Address
Studio 1 Productions, Inc. asks for an email address when placing an order so that we may email you a receipt and email tracking information for the order. We will not use this email address for anything else, other than contacting you if we have a problem or question about your order.  Your email address will NOT be added to any email list.  We will NEVER sell, share, rent, exchange or release your email address.

Our Email Mailing List
Customer will not receive any email solicitation from Studio 1 Productions, unless the customer consents to the email through our double opt-in process for our newsletter and product updates. And, if the customer does consent to receive email from Studio 1 Productions, we will provide a simple unsubscribe option available in every email.  To subscribe to our email list, you will need to click on the button near the top of the page that says, “Newsletter Sign Up”.  Then you will need to enter your email address and name.  An email will be sent to the email address you entered.  You will need to open this email and give your consent to receiving our newsletter.  These email addresses will NEVER be sold, exchanged, transferred, shared or released.  We respect your privacy.

Cookies are small files stored by the shopper’s browser on their device. Studio 1 Productions, Inc. uses the following cookies:

  • Shopping Basket Cookie – sets a basket ID to correlate to your temporary shopping cart file.
  • Mini Cart Cookie – contains a list of products you have added to your cart. Used for displaying your shopping basket while you browse store pages.
  • Cookies expire after 5 days or after checkout.

Data Retention
When an order is completed the order information (including email, name, address, products, shipping method, etc.) is stored in an offline database at Studio 1 Productions, Inc. That information remains there until Studio 1 Productions, Inc. deletes or archives the order. This information is stored offline only and is not accessible from the web.  This information will NOT be shared, sold, exchanged, transferred or release.  Again, your privacy is very important to us.

Data Removal
Orders – All information about your online order is deleted from the web server as soon as we download the order from our web server.
Cookies – can be cleared by the Shopper. The method used will depend on your browser and device.